Friday, October 22, 2010

Changes, a what nots...

They say that a change is as good as a holiday....Well whoever said it obviously liked change!?! I'm not big on changes - I like routines and knowing what is happening, having a pattern to my life. This weekend, our oldest child, Joshua, is going back to live with his father again. Sigh. I will miss him. Letting go is SO hard. Children should come with instructions at birth. In the instructions and/or warnings  should  say something along the lines of : this little being will grow up - and at some point in time will want to be independent of you. This little being will have thoughts and feelings independent from yours. This little being will have the potential to make decisions that you may not agree with and live a life contrary to what you have raised them. Sigh.

The seasons are also changing. I dont like the heat ! :( I get whingy and whiny...and cranky cos my chocolate melts ! I cant sleep at night because its hot. I have to lose weight to look decent in bathers..ewwww....Winter is much can get warm by "layering up"...but can only take so many layers off before they arrest you! What's with that?!

Madison only has eight more weeks of primary school before she graduates. More change. She is going to high school next year. Scary ! Only Julian left at South Thornlie. Madi is looking forwards to going on school camp.

So changes....its supposed to make us "grow". The only growing I'm doing so far is sideways! Oh well. time to "suck it up princess" and take in on the chin and just roll with it.

1 comment:

  1. Know the feeling and I totally agree with you on the instruction manual thing.

    Just know that you are a wonderful, loving caring mother (and person!) and that so long as you keep the lines of communication open, the child(ren) will return to the nest for the occasional visit.

    Chin up babe!
