Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blogging dilemmas have decided that I am really, really, not so good at this whole blogging thing...Yeh...that sums it up ! I am currently reading about five blogs on a weekly basis - most people have quite witty things to say and have wonderful photos and stories to tell. Some people even write on a "theme". Me? My blog seems to be a series of random thoughts with bits of "what we have been doing" thrown in ...hmmmm.... Maybe that's because my version of blogging is going to be slightly different cos I'm SO different from anybody else?! THERE's a thought ! :D

So this week has been my final week of school holidays...technically. I have next week too but I have two days booked in already for me to DO stuff in my new I guess you could say I am breaking myself gently into going back to work. Sigh. I'm going to a new school, into a new classroom. A bit scary ! New staff to get to know, new routines, new boss..etc. I dont even know where to find the loo's from my class ! I guess if I get desperate enough, I'll just use the students itty bitty loos ! Hee hee hee !

I have mountains of stuff to move into my new class. It would be a good time to cull most of it and begin again methinks. Although having said that - I have sourced some pretty awesome stuff. The idea of moving it all does not appeal to me in any shape or I might have to bribe the "minions" to help me...hmmm....

We have mostly hung out this school holidays. It has been great. I love the "no schedules" kinda thing. No important appointments, no rushing to get to things on time, no stress. LOVE IT ! The children have baked, ate, run around, potty trained the puppy, watched DVD's, played board games, shot each other with Nerf guns and water squirters, scrapbooked, read , chatted online and in person, visited with friends, swum, gone to the beach and generally enjoyed each other's company. Its sad that all of that is coming to an end.

Time for new adventures and new beginnings now. :)


  1. Consider your blog to be your online journal - that's how we consider it. If you take the approach that you're writing for yourself, and your memories, then it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about your blog :) But it is an opportunity for them to have a "window" into your life :) - Adam

  2. Thank you Adam ! I read your family blog every Sunday ...and use it for inspiration ! It's lovely to share experience with your family and I have got to know you and Elissa all over again even though we are gazillion kms away ! :)

  3. Do what you want to do
    Be what you want to be

    Oh and what Adam said is right .. it's your online journal and so long as you're writing what you want, everything is fine!
