It was a cloudy but warmish day today. Poppy Fred did two runs to get us to the waterfront in time for the opening of "Taste of Tasmania".
The grounds of Taste of Tasmania. |
There was a large number of people lined up for entry to the Princess Boatshed and there was a surge of bodies after the countdown for the festival to begin. Two very big marques were outside the shed that was designated places for the wineries to showcase and sell their wares and inside the shed was more stalls that sold alcohol and food stalls. It was a little disappointing for us non-drinkers to see how many stalls had alcohol and how few food stalls that were different was available. Mostly, the stalls sold seafood - which on consideration makes sense since we are on a port - but there was one stall that sold Angus beef, one that sold Turkish food, a few (no more than 5) that sold desserts/cafe like cakes and maybe one or two stalls that sold Asian food. I'm not sure what it was I was expecting, but that wasnt it !
After a quick stroll to see what was on offer we wandered off to watch a chocolatier chef make a "White Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake". It was entertaining and informative and the children enjoyed the "freebie" chocolate. I learnt what "tempering" chocolate meant. I think I'll stick to purchasing the done thing...wayyyyy too much fuss and bother ! The chef used at least a dozen bowls to make one no-so-big cheesecake. Blah. The finished effect was excellent but I dont think I'll be replicating it in a big hurry.
Calamari and chips 2 Taste of Tasmania. |
We wandered into the city for a quick look around at the post-Christmas sales. Nothing very interesting or worth us getting excess luggage about. Ho-hum.
We thought we would save Poppy two trips to take us home we walked into the city and caught the bus. I told the bus driver that we needed three adult fares and four student fares. He told me $5.40 so I gave him $10.40 and waited for my change. As he gave me change, I realised he had not charged me for the children and when I queried him he said "Yep! Have a nice day!", winked at me and smiled! When I sat down I realised that he had charged the three adults consession fares! What a blessing! I expected to pay $25 - which is what it cost the last time. I told Harvey that we must look poor or something and the bus driver took pity on us! :)
Our plans were some-what foiled when we got back to Poppy's house and found that he wasnt home! We had a half hour wait til he turned up to let us in.
We thought we would save Poppy two trips to take us home we walked into the city and caught the bus. I told the bus driver that we needed three adult fares and four student fares. He told me $5.40 so I gave him $10.40 and waited for my change. As he gave me change, I realised he had not charged me for the children and when I queried him he said "Yep! Have a nice day!", winked at me and smiled! When I sat down I realised that he had charged the three adults consession fares! What a blessing! I expected to pay $25 - which is what it cost the last time. I told Harvey that we must look poor or something and the bus driver took pity on us! :)
Our plans were some-what foiled when we got back to Poppy's house and found that he wasnt home! We had a half hour wait til he turned up to let us in.
Waiting for Poppy to turn up with keys to let us in ... |
In the afternoon, we were invited by Grannie's sister Myrna Hutchins, for a BBQ dinner at their farm in the Huon Valley. So again in convoy, we made our way down. Was a beautiful drive.
We got to meet Harvey's cousins Scott and Michael and Uncle Don. Michael's family joined us for dinner and so we got to meet Kerry, his wife, Jack 10yrs, Annie 9yrs, Elijah 3yrs and baby Poppy 3mths. Lovely people. Dinner was yummy and we enjoyed everyones company.
I sneezed and sneezed til I finally got some medication into myself. Unfortunately for us, the wind was COLD and it picked up just after we had eaten, so after a quick tour of the farm, we were back on the road again. A fun day.
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