WOW ! TWO blogs in one day...I thought Madison deserved a blog all on her own...
December was also the month Madison graduated primary school ! Yes, Mum was a "little" emotional about her little gal being all grown up. (I cried at Josh's and Michaela's graduations too...must be tradition?) Madi did us proud by winning the school "Art Award" for her graduating year. She is now almost ready to head out in the big, wide, world of HIGH SCHOOL !
Madi is a bubbly person who amazes us with her talents. She is usually helpful and has a wicked sense of humour. I was presented with an amazing scrapbook that she made and dedicated to me. I had another "moment" when it was presented and Mr Mattock (her year 7 teacher) said "Oh no! It wasnt that bad was it? I edited her spelling mostly!". Ha ha ha ! I had to explain that ONE DAY when he got to be a dad - he would understand.
The FINAL assembly item was themed "I'm On My Way". Each class/group presented an item from somewhere around the world. The idea was that the students would one day, have the opportunity to travel and see the world and explore life. What fantastic costumes! Some of the more talented mothers (not me cos I cant sew a straight line) made the most colourful and bright costumes from around the world. It was truly a spectacle and all the students did their families proud. The closing song was dedicated to all their families was titled "On My Way" by Phil Colins. Beautiful. Not a dry eye on any mother and some dad's too!
That night, Madi went to a special graduation dinner. More presentations - this year the group were given professionally bound "Year Books". Very swish ! Dinner and dancing WITHOUT the parents after the presentations.
Sigh, where did all that time go? Here are some photos of her big day....(If I'm clever enough...I'll add a video I took on my camera of her item too)
Receiving her art award from Mrs Barrett, her art teacher. |
With her BFF's, (LtoR) Evy, Frieda, Taleah. |
Her costume for the FINAL assembly of the year....She did a "bollywood dance" !